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QILSTE product-6070 high power white LED passed LM-80 test
Time:2011-11-27 22:53:23  Click:Load...


  QILSTE product-6070 high-power white LED products officially passed the "Energy Star" (Energy Star) by the third-party authoritative testing and certification organization BACL Laboratory (Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp.) ) LM-80-2008 standard 6000 hours test.

      The 6000-hour attenuation of the 6070 white light product in this test is: 97.40%@55°C, 96.99%@85°C, 96.33%@100°C, Δu'v' is 0.0008—0.0009, which indicates that the life of this product can be publicized for more than 36,000 hours . And according to the life estimation method stipulated in IES TM-21, the estimated life reaches 47000-59000 hours.

LM-80 is an IESNA (Illuminating Engineering Society of North America) approved lumen maintenance (LED life) standard. The LM-80 test mainly focuses on the components of the light source, including LED packages, arrays and modules, and calculates the life of the lamp based on this data. Manufacturers of LED lamps, light engines and LED lamps must meet the requirements of the LM-80 standard test in order to obtain the "Energy Star" certification issued by the US Environmental Protection Agency.