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Announcement of changes in the company's spokesperson and acting spokesperson
Time:2019-04-03 17:05:31  Click:Load...

Announcement of changes in the company's spokesperson and acting spokesperson

1. Personnel change category (please enter the spokesperson, acting spokesperson, key operating executives, financial executives,
Head of Accounting, Head of R&D, or Head of Internal Audit): Spokesperson and Acting Spokesperson
2. Date of change: 2019.04.03
3. The name, grade and resume of the previous incumbent:
Speaker: Lin Nian/QILSTE Finance Director
Acting Spokesperson: Junjie/QILSTE Audit Supervisor
4. The name, grade and resume of the new recruit:
Speaker: Zhong Jia/QILSTE Deputy General Manager
Acting Spokesperson: Lin Nian/QILSTE Finance Director
5. Change situation (please enter "resignation", "job adjustment", "dismissal", "retirement", "death" or "new appointment"): job adjustment
6. Reason for change: job adjustment
7. Effective date: 2019.04.03
8. Other matters to be specified: None